Bbc Dvd (2010s)


Customer Reviews Synopsis

2 reviews total • 2 reviews with comments
Average review 5 stars
Good quality.
Purchased Bbc Dvd (2010s) on Bonanza
Average review 3 stars
always favored VHS

I have always favored VHS tapes over dvds for the simple reason I think they are more user friendly and more resilient - there always seems to be problems with freezing and tiling with dvds - although this order was new and wrapped I encountered the aforementioned problems with two discs - however the price for 7 seasons was excellent and I will deal with the missed dialog

Purchased Bbc Dvd (2010s) on Bonanza
Average review 3 stars
always favored VHS
I have always favored VHS tapes over dvds for the simple reason I think they are more user friendly and more resilient - there always seems to be p... Read more »

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