Bythepowerof3 Reiki
Customer Reviews Synopsis
5 reviews total •
4 reviews with comments

Purchased Bythepowerof3 Reiki on Bonanza

Experience of an attunement can be subjective, this one was really enjoyable. I could see sparkles around my body which consisted of different luminous shapes. I have given five stars for the attuenment and the Fairy Lightworker Program because it is a very practicle and powerful system. I know Fairies are real from my own experience, having seen one in day light also through a very clear dream with sound dancing vibrant energy. I would recommend this system The Fairy Lightworker Program to any one because it is a very useful system.
Purchased Bythepowerof3 Reiki on Bonanza

Purchased Bythepowerof3 Reiki on Bonanza

I like it, and good quality service, good mentoring
Purchased Bythepowerof3 Reiki on Bonanza

good good chi.correcto reiki ball.