Gano Excel Coffee
Customer Reviews Synopsis
5 reviews total •
4 reviews with comments

Purchased Gano Excel Coffee on Bonanza

I recommend this coffee
This product is so much good
I’m not supposed to drink coffee but this one don’t make me feel sick this is one of the best coffee ??
I love it ????
Purchased Gano Excel Coffee on Bonanza

I knew already the product ,but you can’t find in Uk,so I decided to order from bonanza ,and I’m perfectly satisfied
Thank you
Purchased Gano Excel Coffee on Bonanza

This coffee is the best,especially if one suffers digestive problems. Ganoderm luciderm in this coffee has high benefits. And I use water instead of milk,add a flavor of sugar free syrup. GREAT!
Purchased Gano Excel Coffee on Bonanza

This product is great! I have been drinking this coffee for years. It gives me energy! This is the best coffee I have ever drank! I was not a coffee drinker till someone introduced me to this product. If people would try this product they will notice the difference, plus it is healthy than most coffee.