Kaiyodo Figure
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Purchased Kaiyodo Figure on Bonanza

These are fantastic and HARD to find:
I loved this on first sight but had no idea how old/rare these "Choco Egg (?)" things are. They were very had to track down and rather p... Read more »
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I loved this on first sight but had no idea how old/rare these "Choco Egg (?)" things are. They were very had to track down and rather pricey and always only out of Asia(I guess they made them there and discontinued), but SO cute and fun once I got them. I LOVE them, so adorable and fun to construct, though the tail is very fragile, I was afraid it would arrive snapped in two (they were fine), and one has to be careful in assembling it that it is not placed upside-down, as they are VERY hard to get out again (these critters come in pieces to start with, like a puzzle, crammed into a tiny capsule, or "egg," and careful assembly is key). VERY well painted, great prop "pets" for a Ken or Barbie-scale doll, or just to enjoy. Get them when you see them though, they are $$$!