Walt Disney Dvd (1950s)
Customer Reviews Synopsis

I was very pleased with my purchase!

The shows are wonderful. They teach valuable lessons in sacrifice, decency, honesty, and integrity. Great!

A certain element seems to want to write revisionist history to tear down Disney's memory, apparently on ideological grounds. Like many geniuses, there's no doubt he was a task-master who demanded excellence. But, for the vast majority of the non-obsessed world, this "Your Host Walt Disney" product is a wonderful reminder of how enjoyable it was to have "Uncle Walt" introduce each week's show. In addition to everything else, he was wonderful at that, too. "Your Host" slightly overlaps, but also adds to the official Disney biography "Walt - The Man Behind The Myth" which is also wonderful and is the only non-hit straight retrospective on his life that I've found.

best version of Peter Pan